Friday, July 13, 2012

How To Strengthen The Immunity System With Homeopathic Remedies

Lifestyle changes are the number one reason which lead to problems in the immunity system. Our immune system consists of the lymphatic system, liver, thymus, bone marrow and spleen which work together and help the body remain healthy and develop resistance to diseases.

Some part of immunity is inherited but its large part depends on the type of lifestyle an individual lives. The urge to quickly treat common ailments is a big reason which causes regular attacks of flu and common cold and vulnerability in the immune system.

In today's hectic lifestyle there is hardly any patience left in us and that is why we do not allow the body to heal itself naturally and take conventional antibiotics which when taken in excess cause great damage to our immunity. The best way to treat such common ailments is to allow the body do its work and take help of natural antibiotics.

Another common mistake that people make is that they just take any antibiotic without undergoing a proper diagnosis which could determine the type of bacteria that is causing the disease, there are different antibiotics for different ailments like for example in herbal medicine ginger and other dried herbs when steeped in boiling water are helpful in providing relief from common cold, sore throat and always provide strength to the immunity system.

Homeopathy is also an excellent alternative for people who do not want to use chemical antibiotics. The system of Homeopathy is based on the principle that the substance that is the cause of a disease can also help in curing it when used in diluted form. A fine example is that of coffee which causes sleeplessness in the body but when an extremely diluted remedy is prepared from coffee it helps in curing the problem of sleeplessness itself.

The use of Homeopathic remedies helps in supporting the immune system for repairing any imbalances in the body. Our immune system health has to be in perfect condition in order to perform all its functions.

An immune system which is hyperactive in nature can lead to diseases of autoimmune nature like arthritis in which the body attacks its own cells. While a deficient type of system is unable to resist diseases like flu and common cold and some times other serious health conditions.

The best thing about using Homeopathic remedies is that they are free from side effects, non-habit forming, fairly priced, easy to take and are an excellent way to strengthen our body's immunity system.

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY - where latest news are our top priority.

The Truth About Chronic Urticaria

You might wonder what chronic utricaria is. Chronic urticaria is essentially an allergic reaction. It can be set off by certain factors or triggers, as is usually expected of all types of allergies. The reaction could be triggered by the simple foods you eat. You might have allergic reactions to a type of food that other people are safe with. For instance, you might eat nuts daily. But it could be the cause of allergies springing up in others. There are a lot of immune cells found in the body, including mast cells, T cells and dendritic cells. Antibodies are produced by the body as a form of defense against the various antigens and other agents entering the body. Allergies, such as chronic urticaria, could be the result of this response by the body. This will be characterized by swelling, itchy feeling, red colored wheal formation and so on. Large layers of the skin are normally affected. Even the mouth and lips aren't spared.

In the pathogenesis process of chronic urticaria, the mast cell is touted to be the main agent. An external source or agent will stimulate the cells into producing histamines. Simultaneously, prostaglandins will also be released into the body.

Vasodilatation subsequently takes place the moment these are released from the cytoplasmic granules. Erythema would then be the next stage. Many mediators are going to be required for wheal formation to happen. For instance, the neutrophils will be releasing many chemo attractants. There will be some itching involved. That means you cannot expect to use antihistamines for this condition. It will not work on the body and reduce the wheal formation as the causative agent is different in each case.

Chronic urticaria can be categorized into two major types. This includes the auto immune chronic urticaria. Roughly 45 percent of those with chronic urticaria acquire this. The other type is idiopathic chronic urticaria, which affects the other 55 percent. Both auto immune and idiopathic chronic urticaria involve the release of a large number of various antibodies. Immunoglobulin G auto antibodies will be produced against the Fc receptor of IgE. The alpha subunit in the Fc receptor of IgE will be what it will be up against. These can also be released against the Fc receptor of the auto antibodies, the anti IgE.

When such reactions or attacks occur in the body, it will lead to the release of histamines from immune cells called basophile. Likewise, this reaction will also develop through the blood's complement system. C5a will be produced in these reactions. This will lead to the further activation of the mast cells in the body. It would also mimic the function of chemo attractants. It will lure in the neutrophils and eosinophils. The clumping together of these immune cells will result in the appearance of lesions all over the skin in different parts of the body. It is also likely that you will witness some swelling and other allergic reactions all over your skin once the dermal mast cells decide to produce and release larger amounts of histamine.

This news article is brought to you by SEXUAL HEALTH - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sinus Infection Treatment

You need to know that allergic rhinitis treatment actually consists of staying away from the specific "allergens" that is responsible for your symptoms. There is no doubt that a sinus infection can be very annoying. Thankfully, effective and safe sinus infection treatment is available to help you get some relief from sinus pain, pressure and infections. You can make use of medicines in order to control the symptoms, and in serious cases, going over to your doctor to get allergy shots (also known as "immunotherapy"). If you have a sinus infection during certain times of the season, then you will only require a sinus infection treatment during that period of time.

Because allergic rhinitis is something that does not actually have a cure, and can be quite frustrating to treat; a lot of people may use alternative allergic rhinitis treatment. However, many of the alternative allergic rhinitis treatment solutions either have not be properly researched or have not been proven to work. Some of the treatments may also be outrageously expensive, and some can actually be a health risk.

Sinus Infection Treatment

Home care can actually help to open up the sinuses and help relieve their dryness.

Encourage Drainage:

You can encourage drainage by drinking a lot of water and consuming beverages that are hydrating like hot tea.

Inhale steam 2 - 4 times each day by simply putting your face over a bowl of really hot water (the water should not be on the stove) or making use of a steam vaporizer. You should inhale the steam for a period of ten minutes. Taking a steamy hot shower can also be of great help. Mentholated preparations can be added to the hot water or vaporizer in order to help in opening up clogged up sinus.

Thin out the Mucus:

This is one sinus infection treatment that can provide a wonderful relief for sinus infection sufferers. Expectorants are medications that can help get rid of mucus from the respiratory passages and lungs. They also help to thin the mucous secretions, thus encouraging drainage from the sinuses.

Relieve Pain:

Pain and inflammation can be relived with pain medication like naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen. These drugs help to open the airways by simply helping to reduce swelling.

Nasal Saline Irrigation:

This is one well known part of sinus infection treatment. There are different ways to conduct nasal irrigation, the most common remedy is the use of the "Neti-pot" - this is a ceramic pot that looks pretty much like a cross between Aladdin's magic lamp and a small teapot.

A couple of Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) doctors highly recommend nasal irrigation with Neti-pot in order to help with clearing the crusting in the nasal passage. A lot of people that suffer from sinus infection make use of this pot in order to relieve nasal congestion, facial pressure and pain and reduce the dependence for nasal sprays and antibiotics. Consult with your doctor prior to making use of nasal saline irrigation.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.

Basic Things That You Need To Know To Control Your Allergies

Allergy attacks can be terrifying, especially when they occur in your child. The following article will cover some of the many ways you can make improvements around the house to minimize incidents of allergy and reduce symptoms in your child.

1. Invest in a good air-filtration system. Central-air and heating can work to circulate dust and in areas out of reach to your cleaning hands. Think about hiring a consultant who can evaluate your home's circulatory and filtration system and advise you on the best improvements you can possibly make for your child. Keep a written schedule of filter changes in your a/c to prevent any neglect of this important task.

2. Minimize dust. Use a damp cloth rather than a duster that will just kick up particles into the air, and avoid polish that can aggravate allergy. As back-breaking as it can be, daily vacuuming may be necessary too, depending on the amount of carpeting in your home. Use of the vacuum may be preferred over brooms, in order to avoid kicking up dust and spreading it around. Smaller, convenient electric brooms and mops can really help you to keep dust and debris out of the home.

3. Change bedding frequently. Sheets, pillow cases and blankets need to be kept as clean as possible in consideration of your child's allergies; deep breathing during sleep can open the door for more attacks. Consider purchasing hypoallergenic sheets that will make life easier on both of you. Organic sheets made from things like bamboo may also help.

4. Keep upholstery well cleaned. If it suits your budget and tastes, adorn your home in leather furniture that will accumulate less dust and debris. If you do have a lot of upholstery, clean it regularly with a non-irritating product specifically designed to deep clean without leaving behind an overwhelming odor. Avoid throw-pillows on furniture too, because they will serve as collective devices for dust, despite how stylish they may look.

5. Opt for hard-wood floors instead of carpeting. Rugs and carpets harbor all kinds of dust, mites and other allergy triggers, even with constant vacuuming. If at all possible, get rid of the carpets in your home and have linoleum or other hard-surface flooring installed instead.

6. Consider an allergy-safe pet. Dogs and cats carry all kinds of risks to children with allergies, despite the possibility of them being your child's best friend. The dangers most certainly outweigh the benefits, so look into an exciting aquarium as an alternative. Your child will have a lot to learn when taking care of fish and their habitat, which is nothing to sneeze at!

7. Clean up clutter around the home. Where there is clutter, dust is bound to settle. Eliminate over-crowded areas anywhere in your home and minimize the opportunity for allergy inducing particulates to gather and cause flare-ups. Most especially in your child's room itself, keep things to a minimum or consider a separate storage area for numerous toys and stuffed animals.

Dealing with allergy is a challenge, so it's in your best interest to manage the elements that can instigate it in your home. Hopefully this article has given you some new ideas you can employ in your child's immediate environment that can make your job of keeping them safer and healthier much easier.

This news article is brought to you by YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICES YOUR MIND - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Strengthen The Immunity System

A person who has a weak immune system is highly susceptible to get sick frequently with flu, cold and other minor infections. We agree that antibiotics have proved to be magical drugs but their excess usage causes more harm than good.

Almost 99% people believe that antibiotics are effective in treating all bacterial and viral infections but the truth is far from it. The reality is that antibiotics cannot fight against viruses and taking antibiotics to counter viral infections can further aggravate the condition. In some cases the body develops immunity against the drug bringing down the immunity level of the body. Taking a natural antibiotic can help in such conditions by preventing further problems that drug intake can cause and help in relieving symptoms already present in the body.

The immunity system is the first line of defense our body has to counter the attacks of foreign invaders like viruses, parasites, bacteria and pathogens which are all looking to cause damage to our body. The immunity system which consists of the lymphatic system, spleen, tonsil and thymus works together to keep the body functioning properly. There are certain herbs and natural foods which should be consumed regularly to provide strength to the body.

A weak immunity system is either acquired or primary in nature. Primary weakness in immunity is generally due to weak genetic character while acquired condition is due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle as well as excess usage of medications for common ailments like cold.

It has been proved scientifically that herbal antibiotics, natural diet and a healthy lifestyle can help in boosting the health of the immune system and prevents the person from falling ill frequently due to cold, flu and other minor ailments. People who have a strong immune system are less likely to suffer from life threatening ailments like cancer.

Effective Herbs And Foods For Immune System

1. Vitamin C, E and A are most important for our immunity. You can get Vitamin E from almonds and have citrus fruits like oranges for Vitamin C.

2. Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plant and is well-known as a natural immunity boosters. It helps in the production of white blood cells in the body.

3. Have six ounces of yogurt daily to maintain intestinal flora levels which aid in digestion.

4. Herbs like withania somnifera and echinacea can be taken in tablet form to provide support to the immune system.

We can say that eating a healthy diet, using natural herbs and living an active life can go a long way in keeping your body healthy and free from all types of diseases.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Gluten Allergy, Celiac Disease and Weight Loss

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness month. One of the conditions associated in some people with IBS is Gluten allergy. It is a highly under-diagnosed condition, therefore worth spreading public awareness about it. Gluten is a Protein, which can be found in Wheat, Barley, and Rye. The disease associated with gluten intolerance or allergy is called Celiac disease. Celiac disease is an inflammatory condition of the small intestine that affects some people with genetic predisposition. The inflammationi damages the mucosa of the small intestine, which results in a lot of the symptoms and deficiencies associated with gluten allergy. About a third of Caucasians are genetically predisposed to Celiac disease, but not all of them get Celiac disease. Usually avoidance and exclusion of Gluten resolves symptoms of Celiac disease. Women are twice as likely to be affected and diagnosed with Celiac disease than men. Some autoimmune conditions like Type-1 Diabetesi, Sjogern's disease, lupus, thyroid disease and some adrenal diseases (Addison's disease) are also associated with Celiac disease. People who have Down's syndrome also have a high chance of having Celiac disease.

People classically are present with symptoms of diarrhea, weight loss, iron deficiency anemia, lactose intolerance, frequent constipation, severe abdominal pain and obstruction, vomiting, and infertility. Chronic gluten intolerance results in osteoporosisi and iron deficiency anemia mainly due to poor absorption of minerals and vitamins like Calcium, Vitamin D, and iron from the gut. However, unless gluten is excluded, taking vitamins or minerals won't result in reversing the disease or brittle bones.

Gluten Allergy can be diagnosed through blood tests, endoscopy with biopsy of the duodenal mucosa, and genetic testing. However, if you're already on a gluten free diet, genetic testing is the only test, which will show Gluten allergy.

If you have celiac disease, lifelong avoidance of gluten is strongly recommended. Also you need to have your levels of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, B12, folic acid, zinc and copper checked frequently. There are a lot of support groups for people with Celiac disease and gluten allergy as well as a general public awareness and availability of Gluten free products in a lot of mainstream supermarkets. Visiting a dietitian and/or a physician who has expertise dealing with people with Celiac disease is also highly effective.

If you have any of the symptoms above, please make an appointment to get tested for Gluten sensitivity. If you are not on a Gluten free diet, Celiac disease can be diagnosed through a blood test.

If you are suffering from the symptoms above and find yourself eating less, but still not losing the weight we have 9 tips and suggestions for you.
Here are some Tips to help you out:

1. Get enough Sleep at night.

Sleeping about 5-6 hours per night is necessary to make sure that your metabolism won't slow down due to hormonal imbalance. Also when you are sleepy you crave more food especially sugary ones.

2.Count the protein intake per meal.

Eating salad doesn't give you enough calories, so you will get hungry soon. Or if you stuck up your plate with blue cheese and candied walnut you probably will have as much calorie as a burger with fries.

Make sure to have a 3-4 oz. of lean protein with each meal to prevent your craving for sugar and carbohydrate. Protein digestion will help your body to use the energy and burn some fat.

3.Too much exercise is not the answer.

No.In order to lose one pound of fat you need to burn 3500 calorie which can be very time consuming and ineffective, so we should focus on having a daily regimen of 75% good nutrition and 25% exercise to lose weight properly.

4. Refrain from Eating a lot of high-calorie health nuts?

Just because something is healthy it doesn't mean that you can eat a lot of it. Changing from white bread to whole wheat, Butter to Olive oil, chips to nuts are good, but portion control is important since these are all high-calorie substitutes.

5. Do not eat too early in the evening.

It's good to eat less food in the evening, but if a person eat at 6pm, and go to bed at 11pm they might have to be careful about the calorie intake after dinner. The body might crave food after 3-4 hours. So no matter how late you eat your dinner try to have less than 30% of your calorie intake after 7pm.

6.Eat snacks in between your meals.

To keep your metabolism at its peak you have to take something every 3to 4 hours.

7.Keep a food diary.

Study shows that most of the people who keep diary about their daily food intake will lose weight faster, since they're more aware of what they put in their body.

8.Eat a full, protein rich Breakfast.

Study shows that people who eat breakfast have a healthier weight. When you skip breakfast your body goes to starvation mode, and as a result your metabolism slows down.

9.Put the apron on, and start cooking in your own kitchen.

Restaurant meals have a lot of hidden calories; try to eat half of your order if you must have eat out; otherwise try healthy simple recipe's at home where you can reduce the amount of hidden calories from your meal.

This news article is brought to you by HIKING - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Buyer's Guide for Anti Dust Mite Covers - Claim Back Your Bed and Sleep

Dust mite allergy affects an estimated 10 percent of all people in the U.S. The symptoms include a congested and/or runny nose, watery itchy eyes, and sometimes even skin rashes and eczema. If you are allergic to these pests, you certainly wonder what you can do to make your sleeping environment allergen free: Allergy specialists recommend a range of measures to control dust mites, including washing of sheets and blankets weekly in hot water with a temperature greater 130 °F and encasing of pillows and mattresses with anti dust mite covers.

These covers effectively prevent mites and their droppings from getting out of your pillow or mattress. That way you are not exposed to the allergen and the dust mites die because they are removed from their main food source - shed human skin cells.

What should you protect with dust mite covers?

Encase at least your pillow, mattress, and box spring. If you are using a blanket or comforter you cannot wash, encase that as well.

Make sure you purchase a cover which completely encases your mattress, pillow, or box spring. Although some fitted sheets and pads are also advertised as anti dust mite or anti allergen, they cannot completely prevent mites from getting out, so I don't recommend them.

What type of encasing should you use for what purpose?

Covers come in very different qualities and with different price tags.

For your mattress and pillow, I recommend you get a cover made out of specially woven cotton or microfiber. These woven anti dust fabrics have pores so small that mites and their droppings cannot pass through. At the same time, the material is still breathable and feels comfortable like a normal sheet or cover. Encasings made out of this kind of material also tend to be the most expensive

Water-proof encasings made out of terry cotton with a membrane bound to the fabric are also available. Quite a few people however find this kind of material too hot to sleep on, so unless you need your covers to be water proof I would go for the woven fabric without a membrane.

Since you don't come in direct contact with your box spring, you can encase them with a cheaper cover made out of a non-woven synthetic material. If you want your box spring absolutely maintenance free, a vinyl cover can also be used.

Many people report that they sleep and breathe much better after protecting their bed with anti dust mite covers. I wish you a most comfortable sleep.

This news article is brought to you by BLOGGING FOR MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.